The Short Sale Process
If you owe more money than what the property is worth, you can apply through one of our trusted Agencies for a Short Sale to sell your home and walk away free and clear! We understand that going through a foreclosure can take an emotional and physical toll, and that's why at Home Help do everything in our power to make sure to gracefully help you during this difficult process. We've got your back!
Benefits of a Short Sale
Extended Time
We make sure to protect you during the Short Sale process. This will give you more time to get your affairs in order.
Potential Relocation Funds
There are numerous programs through the bank that help with relocation funds. We do everything in our power to make sure you're comfortable.
Satisfy the Forclosure under your credit
No Deficiency Judgement held against you, no more money owed, you're able to start cleaning up your credit!
Start Fresh
Wonderful News! Once you're done with a Short Sale - you're eligible to apply for another mortgage after 24 months!
Short Sale Help
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